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Abuse & Trauma Services

We all experience a major life event at some time in our life. This can be as simple as a birth or a death. Sometimes these events occur at a crucial time in childhood or adulthood. We often believe that no one would understand or would have experienced similar events that may occur during ones lifetime. 

These life events many times move us to alter our approach or coping skills. We often create stories or beliefs that may lead to unhealthy relationships, anxiety, depression, substance use, or addiction or result in (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) PTSD.

We have extensive training and experience in the field of trauma resolution and can assist you to overcome fears and strong emotional experiences associated with trauma. Our solution-focused approach can design steps to move you toward small or large changes for a healthier approach with life.


  • An estimated 70 percent of adults in the United States have experienced a traumatic event at least once in their lives, and up to 20 percent of these people go on to develop Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD.
  • An estimated 5 percent of Americans – more than 13 million people – have PTSD at any given time.
  • Approximately 8 percent of all adults – one of 13 people in this country – will develop PTSD during their lifetime.
  • Almost 17 percent of men and 13 percent of women have experienced more than three traumatic events in their lives.
  • The estimated risk for developing PTSD for people who have experienced the following traumatic events is:



Rape (49 percent)



Severe beating or physical assault (31.9 percent)



Other sexual assault (23.7 percent)



Serious accident or injury; for example, car or train accident (16.8 percent)



Shooting or stabbing (15.4 percent)



Sudden, unexpected death of family member or friend (14.3 percent)



Child’s life-threatening illness (10.4 percent)



Witness to killing or serious injury (7.3 percent)



Natural disaster (3.8 percent)

Statistic Reference: The PTSD Alliance

Services Offered:

       Individual Counseling

       Family, or Couples counseling

       Group Therapy

      Enhance Coping Skills

      Establish Healthy Relationship

      Develop strategies to decrease Stress, Anxiety or Depression

For additional information or to schedule an appointment, please call or email us at
6601 Memorial Hwy. - Suite 107
Tampa, FL 33615
(813) 433-1987