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Life Skills Coaching

Approach of the Life Skills Coach does not focus on the past, focuses on the present and future. Life Skills Coaching uses respectful curiosity to invite the client to envision their preferred future and then start attending to the “next steps” towards your goals. Our team will work with you to create new possibilities that can enhance your personal or professional life. Life coaching is not therapy and rarely involves clients past experiences but more so focuses on the plans for extraordinary successes that may have felt out of reach. Each of us have a goal that we wish to reach and at times we are unable to do this on our own or as quickly as we want. Coaching helps, you be more effective with reaching these achievements in a more timely manner.

Have you experienced any of the following; If you answer YES to one or more of these statements, please contact our trained coaches to assist you.

Are you wanting to advance your career?

Have you put off goals that you wish to meet in your personal life (i.e. personal projects, education, improve relationships or start a business venture)?

Are you feeling overwhelmed and do you need help putting things into perspective?

Do you want someone who is a results oriented person rather than wanting someone to engage in reliving or rehashing your past experiences without much progress?

Would you prefer someone to notice the positives, to encourage the momentum in reaching your goals?

Could you benefit from someone that celebrates your successes and point out progress along your new path toward your goals?

Are you the type of person who needs clear and direct feedback so it is useful and meaningful to you?

Do you need tasks broken down in order for you to make your goal within your reach?

Are you ready for powerful breakthroughs and changes in your life?

Services Offered:

     Individual Coaching Sessions

     Brainstorms and defines steps that will enable the client to demonstrate, 
      practice and deepen new learning.

     Helps clients explore alternative ideas and solutions to design options and
      create possibilities for action.

     Coaches work with clients to create a plan that is attainable, measurable,
      and specific tasks with target dates.

     Promotes self-discovery and action, where the client applies what has been
      discussed and learned during sessions immediately afterwards in his/her
      personal or professional life.

     Celebrates client’s successes and recognizes their capabilities for future

For additional information or to schedule an appointment, please call or email us at
6601 Memorial Hwy. - Suite 107
Tampa, FL 33615
(813) 433-1987